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挟土 秀平

Shuhei Hasado

Representative of Shokuninsha Shuhei Gumi Co., Ltd. and Kikaku Phenomena Co., Ltd.
He was born in Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture in 1962 as the second generation of plasterers.
He trained in Kumamoto, Nagoya, and other places.
In 1983, he won the plastering division at the National Skills Olympics.
He returned to his hometown and joined his father's company, working on sites such as museums and hotels.
In 2001, he established the "Shokuninsha Shuhei Gumi" company.
Since then, he has been creating walls with stories, making use of the expressions and colors of natural materials such as earth, sand, lime, and straw.
In addition to The Peninsula Hotel Tokyo, Aman Tokyo, the JAL First Class Lounge at Haneda Airport International Terminal, Baji Koen, and the 1st floor foyer of Gifu Prefectural Office, he has also worked on the title and title sequence for the NHK Taiga drama "Sanada Maru."
He also creates art pieces using clay frames.
His books include "The Writhing One" (Mainichi Shimbunsha), the narrative poem trilogy "Blue and Amber," "The Welcoming Western Room," and "Beyond the Light" (Mokujisha), "Plasterer Hasado Shuhei's Will to Live" (Rokuyosha), and "Stirring Colors" (Shimizu Kobundo Shobo).






List of works by Shuhei Hasado

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