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Daisuke Nakano

Daisuke Nakano Exhibition "Kashou"

February 1st - February 9th, 2025



中野大輔展「嘉翔」|中野 大輔
中野大輔展「嘉翔」|中野 大輔
中野大輔展「嘉翔」|中野 大輔

When depicting Japan’s four seasons snowscapes create a powerful image. At the end of January, 2020, shortly before the news became filled with reports of the Covid pandemic,
I was able to fulfill a lifelong desire to visit Tsuruimura in Hokkaido’s Kushiro district.

There I witnessed a flock of over one hundred cranes…
They appeared to float up into the air before sinking back to earth as they performed their mating
displays and the sight of them possessed an indescribable beauty. I was greatly moved and felt strongly
that this spectacle equaled the image of Mt. Fuji as a symbol of Japan.
The changing of the seasons is an extremely important aspect of Japanese culture.
Mt. Fuji always exists in the same place, and while it cannot be denied that it possesses great symbolic
significance, I believe a truly great scene also requires timing and this is something that the cranes,
which migrate here annually, share this with the flowers of the four seasons.
The transitory beauty that we experience through watching the falling cherry blossom or autumn
leaves evokes a sentimentality as we realize we won’t see them again until another year.
However, the four seasons never let us down and always return.
The unique culture that developed in Japan has always reflected the changing of the seasons.
The theme for this exhibition is that of snow, that transforms even the most mundane scenery into
something magical.

Daisuke Nakano

私は中野大輔を 令和の絵師と呼んでいる。
この世の生きるモノ達 花鳥草木に畏敬の念を持ち 祈りながら絵筆に向かう。
2019 年 Ippodo New York での個展でアメリカに初上陸。
今回は 雪の北海道の鶴を中心に 自然の移ろい 儚さを一瞬に閉じ込めて

一穂堂 青野 惠子

Daisuke Nakano

Daisuke Nakano

Born in Kyoto Prefecture
First exhibition at age 19 (Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum)
Solo exhibition "Burst of Nature" (Ippodo New York)
"Painted Birds: Colorful Birds" (Saga Arashiyama Bunkakan Museum)
"A BRUSH WITH BEAUTY" (Indianapolis Museum of Art)

Collection: NEWFIELDS (Indianapolis Museum of Art)

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