Make a sculpture

When I stand in front of a stone, the stone speaks to me
The voice of stone always has one word.
The stones don't tell us much
Her voice was so loud that it was drowned out by the sounds of the wind and insects.
A small voice is trying to tell you something powerfully
Taking human form Becoming a person with wings
Becoming a musician
Becoming a house and becoming a round stone
It seems that she was able to capture herself through the stones and achieve brilliant expression.
Make a sculpture
"In the beginning was the Word (Logos)." The opening of the Gospel of John in the Bible describes the Word of God. The fundamental principle is the Word of God. Language as we know it is one of the greatest man-made products created by humans. So how did people experience emotions and embody the principles of the world before language was born?
The cave paintings of Altamira vividly depict the primitive movements of living creatures. Also, Jomon pottery seems to have shaped the prayers born in daily life. In the primitive age, when culture still existed in emotions and prayers in daily life, the dialogue between nature and humans was expressed in form . Atsuya Tominaga's sculptures can be said to represent the dialogue of energy born from this primitive relationship between nature and humans.

When Atsuya Tominaga went to Italy to study sculpture, he had a new thought about what it means to make sculpture. Italy has a long history of sculpture, and the techniques are highly advanced. However, it has existed in a very unnatural way. Sculpture seeks technique, and technique is the goal. During the Roman Empire, the techniques cultivated to create the heads of powerful kings seemed to have lost their purpose in sculpting.
"What is sculpture?" Atsuya Tominaga was no longer able to understand what sculpture was. However, as a child he made mud balls in nature and felt a sense of connection with the object that was born in an instant. He felt a sense of emotion in an instant. He felt that this connection with a primitive material was the way of his own sculpture. He began to seriously carve out the energy of stone and put his own feelings into it.

The " Ninguen " series captures the human form. The spherical " Sphere " series. And the " House " series features people existing inside a house. All of his works are as if the inherent energy of stone has been refined and shaped. The words (logos) that stone speaks to us, and the words and feelings we speak to stone. This primitive communication with nature is evident in Atsuya Tominaga's sculptures.

"In the beginning was the word (logos)." The word (logos) that existed before language, something we have forgotten, can be felt in Atsuya Tominaga's sculptures. It is the innate sense of being present in nature. By living in symbiosis with stone and sculpting it, Atsuya Tominaga has refined this sense, and it can be said that he has arrived at his unique and primitive sculptural expression.